
Tadashi Kyouya(导演)/霞理沙/Minori Majokoro/Rei Misaki/Kyôsuke Sasaki(主演)/日本/2008年 / R级 / 剧情 / 爱情
电影名:Tokyo Train Girls 2: Supervixen 电车魔女2:吾妻之强奸实录 截止2017年11月25日共有96人对《电车魔女2》评分,豆瓣评分4.4分。 Ayumi嫁给了Yukinari,一个严重的性颠倒的男人。 他喜欢在火车上骚扰妻子,与她进行一些轻微的束缚和蒙上眼睛的性活动。 他也一直和Kazuha(正好是Ayumi的朋友)在一起睡觉。 最终,他甚至雇用一名男子强奸他的妻子,而他秘密记录(和享受)的行动。 随之而来的是大量的性操作,最后是看谁在玩谁。 Ayumi is married to Yukinari, a man with some serious sexual perversions. He enjoys molesting his wife on the train, engaging in some light bondage and blindfold sex sessions with her. He's also been sleeping with Kazuha (who happens to be Ayumi's friend) on the side. Eventually he even hires a man to rape his wife while he secretly records (and enjoys) the action. A lot of sexual manipulation ensues and at the end it's a twist to see who's been playing whom.
純潔の輪舞曲(纯洁的轮舞曲) 上卷
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